Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Hi guys, 
(can't remember the last time that I posted such a bright photo, lol)

After posting a question on my Instagram story about sharing my covers from the past, I got so many messages with loads of encouragement, so I decided to give it a go! Just so you know, I looove getting messages, so always text me when you want to say or ask something! 


I grew up in a small city in Lithuania where everyone knew each other. I was lucky to go to this amazing school that also had a music programme (basically, you finish a music school along with just primary school). I hated it. Every day. I had to sing in choir and play guitar..not to mention actually learn stuff about music. But when it ended - everything changed. I started catching myself singing and actually enjoying it and later I started playing my guitar because I wanted to, not because I was forced to! My friend Brigita started encouraging me to sing to her and then she showed me this band the Neighbourhood and said that this would be a great song for a cover. I don't know what happened, but I just knew that I wanted to sing from the moment I heard that song. Everything started with this innocent Instagram video:
Like I said, everyone knew each other, so I found this amazing video maker and talked to my friends  from my primary school who liked to make music cover journey began in just few days ! 

This was the song that inspired me and I remember the reactions I got after I performed it live with this band at Snowball camp... Sooo many people told me they got goosebumps, which made me want to sing more and more! It took us ages to record and I could probably say that this is the worst version of it, but it's still something...

Then this one was made for Brigita's birthday (the guy in this video is her boyfriend now, but they didn't know each other before me, so yeah, it was a good birthday present to her ;) ). I made this cover really quickly and I had a purulent tonsillitis (pūlinė angina liet.) at that time, however it didn't stop me from trying my best!

Then we made this one just randomly one Sunday (I hate Sundays!). I used to always sing in my car (especially rap haha), so this one really shows the real me and music that I like. 

This one was probably the hardest one because we did it in just few days and it is actually a song by a band that is from our hometown Siauliai!

This one might be a bit weird for my international followers, but it's super touching if you understand Lithuanian! This local rapper contacted me saying that he wants to do something together and can hear the result!

This one too!

And this one was the only cover made by another video maker because mine was sick at that time :(! I still love it and it's sooo christmasy! I had my friends with me while we were filming it and it just brings back so many memories from these days! My dad loved this one so much that he listens to it in his car (I always blush..).

There were so many more songs that I did, but didn't have them recorded and I regret it sooo much. Singing was never a dream, it was just a passion. It still is, however I didn't manage to find anyone in my town to play for me!:( However, if you write songs or just lyrics (or know someone!) and want to turn them into actual songs - email me or something, because I am looking for something original to record when I'm back home! Hope you enjoyed and always let me know, it means a lot! 

Dre x


Tuesday, 14 February 2017

I'm pretty sure you already know that I'm in a long distance relationship... At the moment I'm studying in United Kindgom while my boyfriend does the same in USA. It's been like that for 1,5 year now and it's hard, super hard, but it's worth it. As much as I hate that, it did help our love grow and that's what matters at the end of the day! So, since it's Valentine's Day and I can't be with him today I decided to share 14 facts about us as a couple!

  1. We met in 2012 and I can still remember that day as if it was yesterday! 
  2. We started talking again in 2014 after I randomly liked his Facebook status. We went on a date after one day of taking and it lasted sooo long, but I can still remember almost every detail of it.. And then we continued on seeing each other for the rest of the week like every day. Not gonna lie, I was already falling for him after few dates :))
  3. Our relationship started off with distance! On the 17th of July (we decided that this is our date!) we had the most amazing date and then both of us had to leave for few weeks, but we promised to wait and throughout that time we talked every day and well..we were together ever since
  4. Lukas is actually one year younger than me (actually it's just 11 months), but we never really remember this fact!
  5. During our first date we already knew that both of us were moving to different countries after graduation, but still gave it a try... it just felt right to be together. We didn't really think about it during our first year and we weren't sure what was going to happen, however everything turned out great
  6. He didn't introduce me to his mom for half a year even though she knew about me, so I got her number and texted saying "Hello, I'm your son's girlfriend and I want to organise a surprise birthday party for him, call me". We are literally best friends ever since!
  7. New York has always been my dream city long before I met him and when he told me that he will be studying 20mins from NYC I started crying out of jealousy lol. I was soooo upset, but then I thought to myself that I will eventually have to visit him and finally make my dream come true!
  8. We are best friends. Really, he is my best friend and the only person I gossip with and laugh so much. I think that's very important and I love that we can be both!
  9. My nickname for him is Pukis because it sounds similar to Lukis. That nickname is like his second name for me, thank god he doesn't mind :) 
  10. Even though we are "long distance relationship couple", we still spend more time together than apart during the year, well because I always find time to come to USA even though I have university :))
  11. I am obsessed with using Snapchat's reindeer filter with him and we have more than 100 videos of us with that filter in my Snapchat memories.. All of them are hilarious and I like watching them from time to time 
  12. I feel like during these years we changed a lot. We kind of adapted to each other and grew up together (from teenagers to young adults). When I look back to when we started dating we were so different and now these differences became our resemblance, which is an amazing!
  13. I'm his social media manager if you still haven't noticed:) follow him on insta too! <3
  14. He showed me what true love is, because even though I thought I knew, I didn't. He is my biggest strength and my biggest weakness and I'm proud of that. I'm proud that we know how to love, because lots of people forgot how to do it. 
So, don't be scared of love. I can't say that it will be easy, but it's not going to be hard either if it's real. Lots of love to you guys! <3 



Saturday, 11 February 2017

So, I should probably start with the fact that I'm literally obsessed with peanut butter. It all started last year, when I moved to UK. One of my closest friends that I was living with started eating it with rice cakes and banana. I wasn't that hooked until she started occasionally making one for me and just bringing it to my room while I was studying... Today my motto is "few peanut butter spoons a day keeps the doctor away" haha (Thanks Brigita <3). However, I'm still not as obsessed as my boyfriend who eats the whole jar (and I'm not talking about a small jar..) once he opens it.. Nevertheless, you already understood how much I love peanut butter and you can imagine how happy I was when I found out that my personal trainer included TWO SPOONS OF IT in my meal plan. That's why I decided to share my two healthy ways of eating peanut butter!


This one is my fave! I can eat one fruit (most of the time I choose green apple) a day, so when I'm home until gym (in the first part of the day, of course), I always skip the spoon of peanut butter with my oatmeal and instead add it to my apple, because this combination is just..what I live for. For me this is better than any cheat meal! Me and Lukas were eating this almost every summer evening for few weeks... One time we "went for a walk" during a storm and "somehow" got back with peanut butter and apples..That's how good this is! 


Okay, so I started eating this one few weeks ago, because my trainer included this in my meal plan as the last meal of the day. So, you mix cottage cheese (varškė for my Lithuanian readers) with low fat/soy/greek yogurt and a spoon of peanut butter. Whenever I feel like I didn't eat enough protein during the day, I just add a spoon of chocolate fudge protein to make it taste even better. You mix it good until it's smooth and believe me, it tastes soo good that you just start waiting for the evening so you could eat it, haha.

I will definitely post more about my other ways of eating peanut butter later on, but for now your task is to go to the nearest shop and buy it instead of any shitty food you usually buy (if you don't, then congrats!). Remember - make good choices with what you put in your mouth, because food is your body's fuel!



Friday, 10 February 2017

Okay, so I am that kind of person who needs inspiration on a daily basis. It gives me new ideas, makes me happy and motivated with whatever I am doing and is a big part of my life in general. That's why I feel like I belong in a place where I would get my inspiration literally every day just from going outside. Maybe that's why New York felt like home after the first second? Unfortunately, while I'm not travelling, I'm stuck in a small town in United Kingdom that has not a lot to offer and it just kills me, especially when its autumn/winter. I just feel too big for a town like that, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?
However, I can't afford not being inspired since there is so many exciting things coming up, so even though I can't get inspiration outside, I always find it on Pinterest (follow my boards here!)
So, here is what is on my mind at the moment:


Friday, 3 February 2017

 You have probably seen few of my posts mentioning a company called “Skinny Coffee Club”. They have the most amazing detox coffee ever! Some people love detoxing every few months, some think that it’s just a way to make money, but from my experience, there is a change (I mean, I lost almost 2kg without dieting!!). I have bought detox tea last year and it did exactly the same as this coffee, which means it does help, it’s just a matter of preferences!


You see, this coffee has all sorts of healthy stuff that helps you loose weight and cleanse your body. I have been using few of the ingredients as supplements before, but I kept forgetting to take them (I always do..). Good part, with this coffee you get a blend of everything while enjoying your morning cup!
The most beneficial and healthy ingridients are:
      Spirulina – Spirulina is a fantastic Superfood, rich in protein and micronutrients often used while dieting.
   Chorella –A powerfully detoxifying green algae, that’s great for digestion, clear and smooth skin and a strong immune system!
    Matcha - One serving of matcha tea is the nutritional equivalent of 10 cups of regularly brewed green tea, which gives you a lot of energy for the day.

So, after drinking this coffee for 28 days every single morning I can say that it really does wonders! The effects might differ because it does depend on your eating habits and just like with anything else, results are not going to show overnight and you are not going to wake up with abs in the morning (that is what gym is for). However, don’t worry, they give you a meal plan too, so everything is covered! I personally have the worst bloating problem and also my metabolism is quite slow, but while drinking this coffee I had a bloated tummy maybe three days during that month which is crazy! Now that I am starting my fitness plan, I can’t wait to see even better results!
*You can order your coffee on  and get a 20% off with my code "WHEREWHATDRE" !
Dre xx
