Saturday, 11 February 2017

So, I should probably start with the fact that I'm literally obsessed with peanut butter. It all started last year, when I moved to UK. One of my closest friends that I was living with started eating it with rice cakes and banana. I wasn't that hooked until she started occasionally making one for me and just bringing it to my room while I was studying... Today my motto is "few peanut butter spoons a day keeps the doctor away" haha (Thanks Brigita <3). However, I'm still not as obsessed as my boyfriend who eats the whole jar (and I'm not talking about a small jar..) once he opens it.. Nevertheless, you already understood how much I love peanut butter and you can imagine how happy I was when I found out that my personal trainer included TWO SPOONS OF IT in my meal plan. That's why I decided to share my two healthy ways of eating peanut butter!


This one is my fave! I can eat one fruit (most of the time I choose green apple) a day, so when I'm home until gym (in the first part of the day, of course), I always skip the spoon of peanut butter with my oatmeal and instead add it to my apple, because this combination is just..what I live for. For me this is better than any cheat meal! Me and Lukas were eating this almost every summer evening for few weeks... One time we "went for a walk" during a storm and "somehow" got back with peanut butter and apples..That's how good this is! 


Okay, so I started eating this one few weeks ago, because my trainer included this in my meal plan as the last meal of the day. So, you mix cottage cheese (varškė for my Lithuanian readers) with low fat/soy/greek yogurt and a spoon of peanut butter. Whenever I feel like I didn't eat enough protein during the day, I just add a spoon of chocolate fudge protein to make it taste even better. You mix it good until it's smooth and believe me, it tastes soo good that you just start waiting for the evening so you could eat it, haha.

I will definitely post more about my other ways of eating peanut butter later on, but for now your task is to go to the nearest shop and buy it instead of any shitty food you usually buy (if you don't, then congrats!). Remember - make good choices with what you put in your mouth, because food is your body's fuel!


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